Frequently Asked Questions


How do I take care of my tattoo? 

Every artist has different recommendations but our recommendation is to keep your tattoo clean, moisturize with unscented lotion, and wash with a mild soap for at least one month after you get your tattoo.  After it is healed, you can start using sunscreen or products that help keep your tattoo moisturized and fresh. 

Do tattoos hurt? 

The pain depends a lot on the placement, as well as on your pain tolerance. There are many tattoo pain maps available online but it varies from person to person. You can book a consultation with your artist to get their opinion as well.

Can I go swimming or in a sauna after getting my tattoo? 

The answer is no, we highly suggest not putting your tattoo underwater because a lot of bacteria and germs are in the water that may cause an infection/reaction on your tattoo or your skin.

When do I know if I need a touch-up? 

If you notice your tattoo starts losing color or fading in some spots. Usually, we recommend consulting with your tattoo artist and they will help you. 

What should I do if my tattoo is infected?

First, call us to properly diagnose an infection. Then we will guide you on how to proceed. If you are worried and are unable to get a hold of us, we recommend seeing your family doctor or a walk-in clinic as soon as possible. Do not try to self-diagnose on the Internet because every symptom is different for each person. 

Why is my tattoo itchy? 

Itchiness occurs a few days into the healing process because your skin is healing from the trauma of getting a tattoo but don’t panic, it is completely normal and it’s important to moisturize frequently. The itchiness only lasts a few days. It is really important not to scratch your skin because you can remove little scabs that may remove some ink with them. 

Can I take a shower after getting a tattoo? 

Yes, you can take a shower but try to follow the instructions of your artist. Never use a towel to dry your tattoo. Let it air dry or use a clean paper towel if you must dry it. 

Why has my tattoo started changing color? 

The likely cause of fading or changing is sun exposure without using any sunscreen or UV protection. We do recommend always using sunscreen after your tattoo is completely healed. 

Can another tattoo artist touch up my existing tattoo?

Yes, but book a consultation with your artist before booking an appointment because some older tattoos may need more work so the artist can give you recommendations on how to proceed.

Will a color tattoo change after it heals? 

Yes, the color of your tattoo is going to change because your skin will heal over it. The colors may be a little less bright but not completely different if you take care of your tattoo properly. If it fades too much, you may need a touch-up.

When can I remove the bandage?

Normally, we recommend leaving it on overnight and removing it in the shower the next morning. This will allow you to properly clean off any residue such as ink or dried blood. 

Can I use alcohol on my tattoo?

No, we recommend always using a mild soap and lotion for your skin.  Alcohol is just too dry and can irritate your skin. We don’t recommend it. 


How long do I have to wait before I can change the jewelry?

We recommend you wait a full two months from the date you got pierced before changing the jewelry. At the two-month mark, it is not a bad idea to come by for a free check-up to ensure your piercing is healing well and ready to change the jewelry! 

What do I use to clean my facial, ear, and nose piercings? 

After you get pierced you will be cleaning your piercings twice a day with an unscented soap and warm water. You can also use a saline solution and a Q-tip to clean up any crusties on your piercing throughout the day. After the first two months of being consistent with soap twice a day, you can switch to cleaning your piercing once a day! 

How do I clean my piercings with soap?

The first step to cleaning your piercing is ensuring that your hands are clean. After that, you can lather the soap in your hands (the same way you would before you clean your face) and clean both sides of the jewelry with your fingers. It is important that you then rinse all the soap off your piercing and allow it to air dry. 

Can I use alcohol to clean my piercing? 

No! Alcohol is too strong for your piercings. It can harm your healing skin cells and prolong healing. This also applies to peroxide, bandaids, aloe vera, and iodine. 

Can I go swimming after getting a new piercing? 

No, you can not submerge your new piercing in water for at least the first month after it has been pierced. This includes lakes, bathtubs, and swimming pools. 

How do I clean my navel and nipple piercing? 

To clean your body piercings you are going to start by filling a shot glass with saline solution. Hold this over your piercing, lay back and allow it to soak for approximately ten minutes. Then rinse with warm water. You are going to be soaking it with saline twice a day. Additionally, you will be cleaning your piercing once a day in the shower with an unscented mild soap (Dove, Tattoo Goo, Ivory, Neutrogena, etc). You will be repeating this process everyday for a minimum of two months. 

Should I take my jewelry out to clean my piercing? 

No, never take your jewelry out to clean it, there is a big risk you will lose the piercing. 

Is it normal for my piercing to swell? 

Yes, it is normal for your piercings to swell. If you notice that your piercing is swelling you can take an Advil and monitor your swelling. If it has not improved and you are concerned about your piercing I recommend you come in for a free check-up or message us on instagram! Don’t panic, swelling is normal and will go away. 

Is saline enough to heal my piercing? 

We do not recommend using only saline on your piercings. In most cases, saline is not strong enough to heal your piercings smoothly and without problems. An unscented soap will make your piercings much happier! 

What do I do if my piercing is infected? 

Infections are much more rare than you’d think! Oftentimes people misdiagnose themselves with infections when their piercings are only irritated. We recommend that you come into the shop for a free check-up. That way we can take a look at your piercing, evaluate the situation and determine what the best course of action is. 

Can I put silver jewelry in my piercing? 

Do not put silver jewelry in your piercing for at least the first year. This can leave a permanent dark gray mark on the skin which will not go away even if the jewelry is removed and the piercing heals over. 

Can I get a piercing if I am on antibiotics or sick? 

No, you should avoid getting pierced until after you have finished taking antibiotics and when you are no longer sick. If not, your piercing could take longer to heal and suffer more complications.